Echoes Playlist

Deep Sky Divers are an electronic duo from Northern England and southern Scotland. Inspired by German space music, they've been forging their own electronic designs on albums like THE NEW FAST LANE (Any Robinhood). Synthesists Jon Short and David Jones talk about their music and Jon pounds out the melody of their best known tune, "Raging Calm" on the very same upright piano on which he learned to play as a child.

ID#04-J07-00019 Echoes Program 0404B
Start Time Group Name Song Name Album Name more info

First Half Hour
0:01:00 Deuter Gratitiude Sands of Time  
0:06:01 TJ Rehmi You Are We Am I The Warm Chill  
0:10:57 Carbon Based Lifeforms MOS 6581 Hydroponic Garden more info
0:17:37 Air Alone in Kyoto Talkie Walkie
0:21:35 Moya Brennan Bi Liom Two Horizons  
0:26:04 Glen Velez Wren Chant Assyrian Rose
0:29:00 break

Second Half Hour
0:30:01 Burning Sky Wisdom Keeper A Simple Man
0:32:56 Michael Hewett Crisis & Observation Bridges: The Echoes Living Room Concerts vol 9 (v/a)* more info
0:38:52 Kevin Kendle Bellatrix Light From Orion  
0:43:44 break
0:44:14 Kila Wandering Fish Luna Park
0:49:47 Samite Ndere Ye Kiro Tunula Eno
0:53:35 Vir Unis The Sun in a Moment The Book of Mutations more info
0:58:30 close
0:59:00 break

Third Half Hour
0:01:00 Deep Sky Divers Second Childhood's End Highlands and Skylands more info
0:06:01 William Eaton Ensemble Falcon's Flight Sparks and Embers
0:11:06 Alex Cline Rose Window Sparks Fly Upward
0:22:21 Rob Eberhard Young En Soleil Sticks and Stones
0:29:00 break

Fourth Half Hour

Feature: Deep Sky Divers
0:37:31 Deep Sky Divers At the Heart of the Cyclone The New Fast Lane more info
0:49:23 break
0:49:43 Jamshied Sharifi Ammeh Kimia A Prayer for the Soul of Layla
0:52:30 Peter Maunu The Passenger Warm Sound in a Grey Field
0:58:25 close

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