Echoes Playlist

ID#04-J07-00101 Echoes Program 0420D
Start Time Group Name Song Name Album Name More Info

First Half Hour
0:01:00 Gerry O'Bierne Off the Rocks at Clahane Half Moon Bay  
0:06:01 Trisan Mother and Son Trisan
0:12:59 Ryan Farish Carries by the Wind Beautiful
0:17:30 California Guitar Trio Punta Patri The First Decade
0:21:23 Jerry Douglas La Conversacion Plant Early  
0:29:00 break

Second Half Hour
0:30:01 Mark Nelson The Water is Wide The Water is Wide
0:33:51 Dead Can Dance Devorzhum Spiritchaser
0:40:00 Maire Breatnach The Swans At Coole Fiddler's Green*
0:43:20 break
0:43:50 Yann Tiersen Childhood 2 Good Bye Lenin
0:45:30 Bela Fleck/Edgar Meyer Blue Spruce Music for Two
0:53:17 Michael Whalen The Mother Knows From Conception to Birth
0:58:30 close
0:59:00 break

Third Half Hour
0:01:00 Richard Bone Templenet Disorient
0:06:00 William Eaton Ensemble Cameron Wind Sparks and Embers
0:11:45 Samite Ndere Ye Kiro Tunula Eno
0:16:09 Kelsang Chukie Tethong Aku Pema Voice from Tara
0:20:00 Paul Ellis Icon The Sacred Ordinary  
0:29:00 break

Fourth Half Hour
0:30:00 Sumner McKane It Came from Texas Design  
0:32:37 David Michael Time Traveler Heart of the Harp  
0:38:30 Hans-Joachim Roedelius Along the Coast American Steamboat  
0:47:19 break
0:47:49 Barry Cleveland Ritual Sticks Memory and Imagination (Voluntary Dreaming)
0:53:38 Nawang Khechog Wisdom Heart Universal Love
0:58:25 close

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