Echoes Playlist

Echoes Program 0941D - Thursday, October 15th
Start Time Group Name Song Name Album Name

First Half Hour
0:01:00 William Ackerman Visiting  Meditations
0:06:00 Jami Sieber Hidden Sky  Hidden SkyCDBaby
0:13:03 Hammock Losing You to You  Raising Your Voice…Trying to Stop an Echo
0:19:20 Jeff Pearce  Autumn and Regret Bleed
0:22:47 Sumner McKane The Woods Across the Street When I Was Little  NorthCDBaby
0:25:20 Robin Guthrie & Harold Budd Turn on the Moon  Before the Day Breaks
0:29:00 break   

<<previous day's playlist Second Half Hour
0:30:00 Ahn Trio  Lullaby For My Favorite Insomniac (Tao of Sound Remix)  Lullaby For My Favorite Insomniac
0:34:57 Kitaro Earth in Bloom  Sacred Journey of Ku-Kai
0:42:17 Afro Celt Sound System Release  Vol. II: Release
0:49:56 break    
0:50:31 Morgan Doctor Silver City  Other Life
0:55:40 Whitetree Kopenik  Cloudland
0:59:00 break   

Third Half Hour next day's playlist>>
0:01:00 George Winston January Stars  Winter Into Spring
0:06:00 Dead Can Dance Yulunga  Toward the Within
0:12:43 Paul Winter & Friends  After the Fleadh/Running Through the Woods with Keetu Celtic Solstice
0:19:08 Russel Walder Gift of Fire Rise
0:29:00 break   

Fourth Half Hour
0:30:00 Jon Hassell Blue Period  Last Night the Moon Came Dropping Its Clothes in the Street
0:37:33 Michael Brook Silverized  RockPaperScissors
0:41:10 Moby Whispering Wind  Play: B Sides
0:47:05 break    
0:47:50 Air Alone in Kyoto  Talkie Walkie
0:51:58 Brian Eno And Then So Clear  Another Day on Earth
<<previous day's playlist next day's playlist>>

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