Echoes Playlist

Lanterna is Henry Frayne, a guitarist from Champaign, Illinois who creates an evocative, haunting sound based in the twang of surf guitar fed through delays and reverb. His album, HIGHWAYS (Bad Man) was Echoes' CD of the Month for March. Henry Frayne visits Echoes, where he plugs in his guitar and creates ambient renditions of an Americana of the imagination.

ID#04-J07-00109 Echoes Program 0422B
Start Time Group Name Song Name Album Name more info

First Half Hour
0:01:00 Darvish Dawn Before Time Darvish
0:06:01 Acoustic Eidolon November Woods Reprise Live to Dance  
0:09:33 Zero7 When It Falls When It Falls
0:14:55 Joanne Shenandoah Tell Me Your Dream Covenant
0:20:03 Paul Ellis Cascade The Sacred Ordinary  
0:29:00 break

Second Half Hour

A Living Room Concert with Lanterna
0:31:21 Lanterna (Live) Clear Blue Highways
0:37:00 Lanterna (Live) Elm Street Elm Street
0:41:47 Lanterna (Live) B Minor Elm Street
0:48:00 Lanterna (Live) Sands Sands
0:52:21 Lanterna (Live) Canyons Highways
0:58:30 close
0:59:00 break

Third Half Hour
0:01:00 Chris Proctor Seven-Oh-Four The Chris Proctor Collection  
0:06:01 Life in Balance United Dream States Star
0:10:49 Ian Boddy Chiasmata Chiasmata More info
0:18:00 Nawang Khechog Univeral Dance of Kindness Universal Love
0:23:32 David Darling Wulu Mist Mudanin Kata
0:26:21 Aine Minogue Aisling The Twilight Realm
0:29:00 break

Fourth Half Hour
0:30:01 Nicknack Improving Silence Improving Silence  
0:34:21 Maggie Sansone Northumberland Set: Bonny at Morn/Goddesses Mystic Dance
0:39:27 Forastiere Complicated Night Rag Tap Boom  
0:43:38 break
0:44:08 Michael Whalen Part Six Like Rain Through My Hands
0:50:09 Klangwelt Wheel of Fortune The Age of Numbers  
0:58:25 close

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