Echoes Playlist

Echoes Program 0946C - Wednesday, November 18th
Start Time Group Name Song Name Album Name

First Half Hour
0:01:00  Erik Wollo & Bernhard WostheinrichTerrestrial MagnetismArcadia Borealis
0:06:00 Rolf Lislevand  Fantasia que Contrahaze la Harpa en la Manera de Ludovico  Diminuito
0:11:08 Field Rotation Regenzeit Imaginary Friends (v/a)*
0:17:50 Sumner McKane Looking for Shelter Nanook
0:26:00 Fernwood  North Wind  Sangita / CDBaby
0:29:00 break   

<<previous day's playlist Second Half Hour
0:30:00  An interview with Daevid Allen and Steve Hillage of Gong
0:37:46 break   
0:38:06 Gong  A Sprinkling of Coulds (excerpt) You
0:44:16 Dechen Shak-Dagsay  Taking Refuge in the Three Jewels Tara Devi
0:47:12 Aranis  Ilah Songs from Mirage
0:51:35 Aerosol Transition  Airborne
0:59:00 break   

Third Half Hour next day's playlist>>
0:01:00 Bob Holroyd All Colours pt 2  Re:lax Re:wind Re:think
0:06:00  Martin Simpson & Danny Thompson Greystones  True Stories
0:10:13 Andreas Vollenweider  One BreathAIR
0:14:21 Gary Stroutsos Anasazi Dreamers Within You Without You 
0:22:26 Michael Spriggs Fast of Ghedalia Neurasenia / CDBaby
0:29:00 break   

Fourth Half Hour
0:30:00  Jimmy WahlsteenA Lily in May 181st Songs
0:34:01  Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inventions Sets the Blaze  Through the Devil Softly
0:36:19  Jesse Cook Homebound  The Rumba Foundation
0:41:03  break   
0:41:48  Eduardo del Signore Keys of Life  Page Zero
0:47:54  Ron Esposito Miles Away  Open Heart / CDBaby
0:50:55  Basta!SRP  Cycles
0:54:32 Colm Mac Con IomaireBlue Shoes  The Hares Corner
<<previous day's playlist next day's playlist>>

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